This week at PDE we have a full week of activities. Monday is the 5th grade field trip. Tuesday is the 3rd Grade Field Trip and in the evening at 6pm is the Kindergarten Recognition. Wednesday night is the PTO meeting at 5pm in the cafeteria. Thursday is the 1st Grade Field Trip and 4th Grade Field Trip. Friday is Field Day and Speech/language Pathologist appreciation day.
AP announcement
Congratulations to Prairie Dell Elementary’s Classified Employee of the Year and Teacher of the Year! Classified Nominees: Olivia Coppedge Nichole Yawn Hanna Sachs
Congratulations to Prairie Dell Elementary’s Teacher of the Year! Teacher Nominees: Amy Kindel Jes Hilton Naomi Saleniuc Ashley Smith (Kindergarten) Laurie Gillison Becki Metts Sally McColloch Shannon Haynes Teacher of the year is Laurie Gillison!
Parent/Guardian Title Survey
Kindergarten Registration
Thanksgiving Break
Bullying Prevention Month
Student Records
Food Service Update
U Tube
Field Day Photos Link
Backyard Book Fair
Union R-XI
2022-23 Academic Calendar
South Central Distinguished Principal of the Year Dr. Aaron Burd